Written by a bereaved mother, The Good Grief Club is the true story of seven women who discover that their new friendships have the power to heal the pain of losing their babies in miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant death. One by one, fate weaves their lives together in the wake of tragedy …
Suggestion lecture
Accompagner le deuil Dialogues entre une mère et des professionnels de Cécile de Clermont et Jeanne Rey
"Chaque année, on estime qu'environ 10 000 bébés meurent avant de naître. Une mort fœtale in utero ou une interruption médicale de grossesse suite au diagnostic d'une malformation incurable conduisent alors les parents à traverser l'épreuve du deuil périnatal." Au travers d'entretiens, cet …
Bearing the Unbearable: Love, Loss, and the Heartbreaking Path of Grief By Dr. Joanne Cacciatore
When a loved one dies, the pain of loss can feel unbearable—especially in the case of a traumatizing death that leaves us shouting, “NO!” with every fiber of our body. The process of grieving can feel wild and nonlinear—and often lasts for much longer than other people, the nonbereaved, tell us it …